活動主題 | 【3/4開始報名(醫師班)】2024/05/04-05 ISCD/IOF國際骨密認證課程及考試(台北)(僅限本會醫師會員報名) | ||
活動日期 | 2024/05/04 08:00 ~ 2024/05/05 12:00 | ||
活動地區 | 國內 | 活動類別 | ISCD |
活動地點 | 台大景福館 1 樓會議室 (台北市中正區公園路15-2號) | ||
活動內容 |
中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會 2024 ISCD/IOF國際骨密認證課程及考試 Clinician Course 報名簡章 一、 報名日期: 即日起至113.04.26,逾期恕不受理。活動當天恕不受理現 場報名繳費。(此課程僅限本會醫師會員報名) 二、 上課日期: 113.05.04(六) 08:00-18:00; 113.05.05(日) 08:00-12:30 三、 上課地點: 台大景福館 1樓會議室 (台北市中正區公園路15-2號。台北車站M8出口左轉步行3分鍾) 四、 報名方式及費用: 分為2階段。2階段皆須完成報名才算報名成功。
2. 階段二: 請至骨鬆學會TOA網站報名。TOA報名費含考試 費:NTD1500。 TOA報名 報名成功會收到系統的email回函,若沒收到請洽詢秘書處02-23143686, toaservice@gmail.com。 五、欲申請加入會員者請於113.04.24前上網申請入會並完成繳費,再以會員 身分報名此課程,請務必先申請入會再報名課程。 http://www.toa1997.org.tw/member/signup_info.php 六、 有關入會申請相關注意事項:
入會申請填寫前請先繳交入會費+常年會費,填寫入會申請需上傳繳費收據。 入會費:基本會員1000元,準會員500元。 常年會費:基本會員2000元,準會員1000元。 (基本會員請繳交3000元,準會員請繳交1500元)(主治醫師請申請”基本會員”,住院醫師請申請”準會員”) 入會繳費資訊: 1. 郵局劃撥: 戶名:中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會 劃撥帳號:31350968 劃撥單通訊欄請註明 "匯款事由" 2. 合作金庫銀行 臺大分行 銀行代號:006 戶名:中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會 帳號:1346717034837 為確認您的款項已入帳,以銀行轉帳方式繳費者, 請務必E-mail通知秘書處:匯款人、匯款日期、匯款事由、帳號後5碼。 若要附註轉帳留言,請務必寫"會員本人姓名", 而非代為轉帳者姓名,或只寫"骨鬆會費"、"常年會費"...等沒有姓名之留言附註。 電子信箱:toaservice@gmail.com 七、有關申請骨鬆專科醫師注意事項: 1. 申請骨鬆專科醫師的條件: 本會基本會員(需繳清會費)+學分班考試通過 +ISCD/IOF骨密課程考試通過(ISCD/IOF考試可以論文代替)。 2. 學分班考試與ISCD/IOF考試沒有先後順序的限制,也沒有期限規定。 基本會員2個考試皆通過隨時可以線上申請骨鬆專科醫師。已完成2個考試的住院醫師,請待取得專科醫師,轉為基本會員後再申請骨鬆專科醫師。 八、 REFUND POLICY(適用於IOF之繳費) a. Individual Name Changes (Substitution of Registration) • An administrative fee of 30% of the registration rate will be charged for a name change. Written permission from the original participant will be required, along with full contact details of the substitution. b. Individual Cancellation & Refund Policies • Notification of cancellation and refund requests must be submitted in writing by e-mail to the course organizer. • Participants who submit a refund request more than 48hrs before the course begins, are entitled to a 50% reimbursement. No refunds will be given to participants who cancel less than 48hrs before the course begins. • All reimbursement will occur after the course. c. Cancellation or Modification of the Course • In case the LOC decides to alter or cancel the course for a reason that is not due to a Force Majeure, 100% of the registration rate will be reimbursed for participants that can no longer attend the course. • Should the LOC decided to cancel the course, the LOC will need to notify IOF, ISCD and all participants as to why the course has been cancelled. • The LOC cannot alter or cancel the course less than one month before the course date. • Participants will receive a reimbursement during the 30 days after the cancellation. d. Cancellation or Modification of the Course due to Force Majeure • In case of force majeure, the LOC has the right to alter or cancel the course without prior notice, however a notice of the occurrence shall be given by the LOC as soon as reasonably possible. • Force majeure shall mean any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Organizer which prevents or impedes the holding of the course, including, but not limited to, government action, war or hostilities, riot or civil commotion, plague or other epidemic such as SARS, bird flu, etc., earthquake, flood, hurricane, cyclone, fire or other natural physical disaster, explosion, accident or breakdown, strike, lack of the usual means of transportation or terrorism or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the LOC. • The LOC shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages, losses, expenditures or any other inconveniences or costs caused by such modification or cancellation of the course. • Furthermore, registration fees will not be reimbursed by the LOC. 九、 報名費退費(適用於TOA之繳費): 請email至骨鬆學會申請,並提供銀 行帳號,學會將於課程結束後以轉帳方式退費。 1. 報名截止日前(113.04.26): 全額退費。 2. 報名截止日到開課前3日(113.04.27-113.05.01): 退1/2報名費750 元。 3. 開課前3日以後(113.05.02~): 恕不退費。 十、 其他注意事項:
附 檔 |
認定時數 | 12 | 認定字號 | |
認定積分 | 30 | 積分類別 |
聯 絡 人 | 電子信箱 | ||
聯絡電話 | 傳 真 | ||
網站連結 |
線上報名 | 已截止報名 | ||
報名日期 | 2024/03/04 ~ 2024/04/29 | 報名身份 | 基本會員、準會員 |
報名人數 | 會員:47 / 80 | 提供餐食 | 是 |
活動收費 | 是 | 開立收據 | 是 |
活動費用 | 基本會員:1500 元 準會員:1500 元 |