
活動主題 【歡迎會員報名(須刷卡繳費才算報名成功)】2023/10/13-15中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會112年度會員大會暨學術研討會暨8th AFOS Congress
活動日期 2023/10/13 12:00 ~ 2023/11/03 18:00
活動地區 國內 活動類別 年會
活動地點 林口長庚醫院研究大樓

Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies (AFOS), it is our great pleasure to announce that the 8th Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Societies Meeting (AFOS 2023) with the theme: “Optimize bone health, no more fractures” will be held on Oct 13-15, 2023 at Linkou, Taiwan.


After over three years of pandemic restrictions, this great event will bring us reunion and that we will be able to see and learn from each other in person, rekindle friendships and collaborations, and establish new ones.


The congress will be proudly co-hosted by the Taiwanese Osteoporosis Association (TOA). The AFOS 2023 meeting will update the broad field of osteoporosis, the recent advances and knowledge from leading experts, clinicians and researchers, and   engage in productive discussions and collaborations to maximize our understanding of bone health.


In addition to learning and science, the AFOS 2023 will be held in offline format and invite all our friends and colleagues around the world, we truly believe that we will make greater progress with exceptional lectures and sessions planned, from new understanding of bone metabolism to new strategies and options in prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and various related topics. The congress encourages you to take full advantages of an excellent opportunity for communication and exchange.


We also hope that you will enjoy the beauty of Taiwan which is well known as Formosa, the fantastic island, and interesting place with a wide array of tourism and ecological resources, a diversity of traditional folk customs, a rich culture, modern arts, and technology. Taiwan is also a gourmet’s paradise, with the finest of Chinese cuisine, and unique dining opportunities in establishments serving local Taiwanese snacks, aborigine, and night-market foods. Whatever your preference and budget, Taiwan will easily satisfy your taste buds. We also have the advantage of convenient transportation and an excellent travel environment that you will want to enjoy again and again.


We are confident that this congress will be an enriching experience for all attendees.


We looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Taiwan.


Sincerely yours,



Jawl-Shan Hwang, MD,

President, TOA

President, AFOS

Scientific Chair - 8th AFOS meeting


Chih-Hsing Wu, MD,

Past President, TOA

Ex-Chair, Asia-Pacific Panel, ISCD

Scientific Co-chair - 8th AFOS meeting


Important Date and registration fee:

  • Abstract Submission deadline: 7/31
  • 理監事參選人報名表回傳截止日: 8/20
  • Early Bird Registration (網路報名) : ~8/31  基本會員: 1000,準會員: 500
  • Regular Registration (網路報名) : 9/1~9/30  基本會員: 2000,準會員: 1000
  • On-Site Registration (現場報名) : 10/13-15   基本會員: 2500,準會員: 1500
  •   Early Bird(~8/31) 9/1~9/30 10/13-15現場報名
    1. 基本會員 NTD 1000 NTD 2000 NTD 2500
    2. 準會員 NTD 500 NTD 1000 NTD 1500
  • 請注意,網路報名時請刷卡繳報名費,繳費完成才算報名成功,未繳費者視同未完成報名。(繳費金額依據為繳費時之日期非依據報名時之日期。ex. 基本會員6/30報名未繳報名費,9/1欲繳費需繳2000元)

*會員禮: 活動現場完成指定小任務,即可獲得萬國通路登機箱一只(市價5000元,數量有限,送完為止)。



  Early Bird(~8/31) 9/1~9/30 10/13-15現場報名
1. 基本會員 NTD 1000 NTD 2000 NTD 2500
2. 準會員 NTD 500 NTD 1000 NTD 1500






  • 除了會員編號之外,其他欄位皆為"必填"。
  • "目前於其他學會/協會之職務"、"經歷"欄位最多填寫5項,若沒有請填"無"。
  • 各項資料請秉持誠信原則填寫。


附  檔

認定時數 12 認定字號
認定積分 40 積分類別

聯  絡  人 電子信箱
聯絡電話 傳  真
網站連結 https://www.toa1997.org.tw/afos2023/

線上報名 已截止報名
報名日期 2023/05/30 ~ 2023/09/30 報名身份 基本會員、準會員
報名人數 會員:402 / 420 提供餐食
活動收費 開立收據
活動費用 基本會員:2000
分享: Facebbok Plurk